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My Ultimate List: 10 Health Tips to Keep You Happy and Nourished This Christmas

The main focus of Christmas is usually delicious food, of course. But if you’re on a health journey, making decisions regarding what we put in our body and whether it will benefit us in the long or short term can be difficult.

It’s the time of year for treats and festivities, but if you’re wanting to stay on top of your health this festive season, it’s essential to make sure you have a plan in place. This list of my top 10 health tips are designed to help you feel your best this Christmas, with advice on how to keep your body nourished and feeling great while eating out, or spending time with friends and family!


1. Prioritise protein especially at breakfast

This time of year, carbs are everywhere, and often healthy lean proteins get kicked to the wayside. To make sure you are eating what you need to keep your energy up and your body fit, I recommend making a solid breakfast that is protein rich!

Healthy eating doesn’t have to mean a limited diet. What you eat at breakfast can make a positive impact on how you feel throughout the day. Even if you’re out and about, choose protein-packed options like eggs, bacon, salmon and breakfast sausages, chia puddings, nuts and beans. Plenty of tasty options as a healthy alternative to cupcakes or pastries!


2. Keep your gut happy – add veg to every plate

So, we’ve all heard it before. You should really get your veg on. But why is that? Well, for starters, we now know that properly-balanced diets can help alleviate mental health conditions like anxiety, depression and stress, because of their positive impact on the gut. Not only that, but vegetables are fairly low in calories and provide lots of nutrition, making them a great option for those who want to lose weight or simply want to feel healthier.

This Christmas, do your body a favour and keep your microbiome happy by adding more vegetables to every plate. Vegetables are good for your gut; try the rainbow diet, where you add a wide range of colours to your food choices, each one with their own set of associated benefits. Don’t forget that vegetables aren’t limited only to green leafy veggies. Try out other types and varieties of herbs, spices and fruits – they contain lots of nutrients too.


3. Skip the processed stuff and make homemade – less toxins, more love!

For many of us, the holiday season means days and nights of feasting, surrounded by loved ones. This year, try making even MORE nutritious dishes for your family and friends! With few kitchen skills and a little extra effort, you’ll agree it’s worth the time. No processed food here!

Time to do the whole ‘homemade’ thing this Christmas. You know that processed and processed food can be unhealthy for your gut, so why not make a home-cooked feast for all your loved ones. And don’t miss out on the joy that comes with the not-so-processed, healthier alternatives!

Homemade foods are generally more nutritious than their packaged counterparts, as you are able to control all the ingredients that go into making your meal. With just a few simple tricks, you can make some amazing dishes at home that will give you the same joy of eating out while still nourishing your body with all the good stuff.


4. Do the things that bring you joy

Joy! The forgotten emotion in the stress of year end and familiar burnout. Joy is a wonderful sensation, whether it’s triggered by certain events (such as Christmas!) or something as simple as finding the right fruit at the farmer’s market.

During the holidays, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of preparing for family gatherings and visiting with friends. Take a few moments to pause for yourself and do some self-care. Invoking joy is actually good for your gut! The more you focus on what makes you happy, the less time you’ll spend on negative thoughts and the healthier you’ll be. This Christmas be sure to do things that make you feel good, like spending time in nature, watching comedy shows and eating healthy delicious food.


5. Get into nature

The longer days of December are by far the best time to spend a few hours outside, be it on a walk with the family or just looking for some peace and quiet. In nature, we can find serenity without the hustle and bustle that can overwhelm us during the festive season.

There’s so much beauty all around us, and we often take it for granted. Whether it’s just taking a walk or meditating at the beach, going on a hike alone or with family, curling up with a good book as the sun sets on the ocean…it’s all way better than staying cooped up inside all day!


6. Swap alcohol for fermented gut loving drinks like kombucha or healthy hydrating options

December is a time when we long to be surrounded by those we love, and with the festive season (for many) comes alcohol, and too much of it. For many, the festive season can be the perfect excuse to eat more unhealthy food and drink. Swap alcohol for fermented gut loving drinks like Kombucha or hydrating options like coconut water. Try sparkling mineral water or get your veggies in with veggie juices too.

Drinking kombucha tea is claimed to help improve digestion and even reduce the risk of weight gain. Probiotics are thought to enhance your digestive health, but it’s also been suggested that by improving your gut flora, you can even prevent obesity.


7. Make a list of all your achievements this year

Feeling a bit Grinch-y?

You’ve had a massive year, you’ve probably narrowly escaped burnout and you might find you’re stuck in a negative cycle of self criticism or unhappiness.

But do you know what? You did good. 

You should feel proud and content with how hard you tried. Take credit for your achievements no matter how small! No one else can do it for you. Look back on all that you have done and give yourself some gratitude and love.

When you take the time to look back at all your accomplishments this year, you realise how far you’ve come. And it’s not just in terms of health or your career, but when you helped others as well. You need moments like this to take stock of where you are and where you want to be but most importantly to practise self-compassion and celebration to build a system of belief in yourself again.


8. Try fasting before or after those big heavy feasts

Festive holidays can be a lot of fun, but they also mean that you’re eating and drinking more than usual. 

Fasting before or after those big heavy feasts is something that has been practised for thousands of years. It’s a way to test if your body can handle fasting because your mind and body are used to eating food every 2-3 hours. If you go hours or days without eating, it may hurt your body at first, but after it gets used to it, you’ll find it empowering, energy boosting and more relaxing and nourishing. 

(**if you have health concerns please speak with your doctor first)


9. Be your own voice! Say no to the foods, commitments or people that stress your nervous system

There’s no holiday like Christmas. While there may be a special family tradition you love or an amazing guest list to impress, there are also a lot of things that can stress our nervous system- including the food we eat, commitments and people we need to perform for, and sometimes even things beyond our control. 

During the Christmas season, most of us start to get stressed by the thought of all the parties, commitments and foods that can cause us anxiety and tension. I recommend being your own voice! It’s not bad to say no to things that no longer make you happy. Take control of your life, step away from things that bring you stress and keep your environment light and happy!


10. Focus on the healing nourishment that food cooked with love brings – it can be deeply comforting and replenishing for the soul when we cook and eat with love

The joy of sharing family moments together, the sense of intimacy that comes when we gather at a table, or the feeling of being valued, protected and nurtured – these are just some things food can bring us.It’s extra important to navigate your food choices during this festive holiday.

It is the season to be kind and not spend your time on growing stressed because the holidays are approaching. It is easy to become overwhelmed by all things associated with the holidays. Keep calm, love yourself and make time to relax by doing something that nourishes you.



As our world has become increasingly busy, stressful and fast-paced, we often neglect our own health. But with a handful of simple reminders and tips, you can make the most of your Christmas day. By replacing the usual treat-yourself items with nourishing foods and activities that are good for your well-being, you can begin to make it a truly stunning holiday season!

Take a few minutes out of your day to reflect and rehearse what you want for your Christmas this year. Write it down, set reminders in your phone, or save it somewhere that you can easily access it throughout the festive period. Taking a few moments each day to think about what the holidays mean to you is important if you’re planning on staying happy and healthy through all of this!

Say it with me: “I give myself freedom to appreciate imperfection and simplicity.” You don’t need flawless holidays, just happy ones.


Related Articles:

  1. Navigating Food Choices : Jess’s Guide To Surviving Christmas
  2. Things Your Gut Loves
  3. Tips for Feeding Families

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